A lesson in photo editing

Ann wants to learn how to edit my Blips to make me look even more gorgeous than I already am. So this morning we went to see Squiffy so that he could show us what we could do in 'Adobe'.

'Adobe' seems brilliant. If Ann learnt how to use this, I'd not only be the most gorgeous collie on Blip, I'd be the most gorgeous collie in the whole wide world??!!

Anyway I lay sensibly by Ann's feet while Squiffy was showing her things and then when he'd finished she said, 'Say thank you to Squiffy for teaching us all that'. I was supposed to jump up onto the chair and shake paws with him so that I could be blipped looking gorgeous.

I was a bit fed up by then so I was in a rebellious mood. Instead of sitting nicely and shaking paws, I just lay on my back so that I could have my tummy tickled.

..................Sometimes a collie's just gotta do what a collie's gotta do?!

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