
Just when I'd dragged myself kicking and screaming upto 1980 with my musical I'm linking to something that's not even out yet, next year sees the release of the new single by a band I've kind of liked but not really kept up with. First two singles - great. Their album - dunno, not heard it, any cop?

But, they are one of those bands who sound better when their stuff gets remixed, and not merely remixed but taken apart completely and then rebuilt from the ground up usually. I've heard some mixes that are some of the trippiest, wigged-outest, wibbliest-wobbliest things I've heard over the last couple of years. This new one is by one of my favourites, a man who can do no wrong. He really can't.

Note: Download of this track is available for free from the record company's website. So, if you like it, click away...

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