The Advisable Doctor

By noonz

Frozen Crystals Floating in the Sky

The sky was very pretty today. On a philosophical note:

life can seem so complex. Have an endless number of possible doors for an endless possible number of people to open. Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you got up the courage to open that door? Or wondered what life would have been like if you left it safely shut? Is there even a choice of which door or do we simply float along, our choices already pre-made by the factors of fate? Are we, humans, the top being on the planet simple puppets of little importance playing the roles deemed fit by an even greater being? Are we as simple and insignificant as clouds?

Now most people see bunnies, horses, ships, or people when they stare into the mass of frozen water in the sky. For myself I guess it triggers a wave of questions about the world and the people in it. That's perspective I suppose.


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