Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

It's a what?!

"So, when does this film start?"

"It's not a film, you daft sod, it's her iPhone with a Saltire on it."

"A what?"

"St Andrew's Cross - you know, the flag of Scotland!"

"But she's not Scottish. She's frae Lancashire. It's bad enough that she crossed t'border and now lives in Yorkshire, without waving a Scottish flag about! They'll not be 'appy back in Lancashire tha' knows."

"But she's doing is as part of the "Scotland the world over" thing on blip."

"Won't Scottish blippers take offence at a non-Scot waving their flag about?"

"Good point Fred. Good point. We'll have to wait and see."

"And - I hate to be picky, but - isn't that our reflection in th'iPhone screen?"

"Aye, it is."

"Aye. Right. Cuppa tea?"

"Cuppa tea."

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