
By karenjulia

WARNING: meat, fat and other offensive items...

....vegetarians and health conscious people beware.

Whenever we make individual homemade pizzas, Kariba makes a delicate, authentic Margarita ; Dave makes a rustic, Italian olive based one and I make what Dave calls the "Karen's Standard 3 Special". Kariba despairs of me.

For those non-Kiwis and Kiwis under 30, back in the olden days the NZ school system used to have levels starting at Primmer 1 (aged 5) to 4, then Standard 1 to 4 and then Form 1 to 7 (Intermediate and High School). So if you were in Standard 3 you were about 9 or 10 years old. When that was me (1970s), the "pizza pie" hit New Zealand. It wasn't really like the Italian version. In fact, it was nothing like it!

My mum always made it with Wattie's spaghetti, onions, cheese and bacon. Here's my version. The exotic extras I add now are mozzarella cheese and two eggs.

I share this secret recipe with you, my Blip friends. Enjoy....

(PS the eggs are free range, does that get me SOME brownie points?????)

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