Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Drying Socks

You know how it is. Some days you have a zillion blips to choose from, yet some days there is nothing. You take a few pictures round the house, don't like any of them. When you venture out there is nothing but wet darkness, and none of the pets is playing model.

So, here is a shot of some of my socks drying on the electric towel rail. It's very nice drying them on there because I can take them straight off there on winter mornings and put them, still warm, onto my chilly feet! As you can see, I have a preference for stripey socks!

Today I have been too tired to do ANYTHING. I was hoping to get a few bits done, but every time I refused to sleep I felt ill, and every time I sat down for more than a few seconds I fell asleep.

I am now home "alone" (with 5 cats, 2 rats and 2 hamsters) since the Wonderspouse is out doing some poetry thing. I shall have to collect him from the bus that arrives home at half past midnight!

In the meantime, I'm wondering what to do about food. Shortly, I shall go and poke around in the kitchen to see what's edible. I would have toast, but we have no bread. We've been too busy and or tired and or stressed and or disorganized to get the house in any sort of order recently.

I'd be ALMOST tempted to go out in the horrid cold dark rain and fetch a tub of rice from the Chinese, but they're closed on Tuesdays so I can't.

Wonder what hamster nuggets taste like?

Although I've just remembered that Scharwenka bought a Stollen yesterday for use next week. Maybe he won't mind if it's an incomplete Stollen by then.

Is Stollen with evaporated milk an acceptable dinner?

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