Day By Dave

By daybydave

Getting On

Firstly, thanks for all the texts, mails and comments left re my hospital visit. Back home and on the mend, although I feel that my career as a circus trapeze artist is probably over, at least until next year.

Anyway, on to today's blip.

Most people count the big landmark birthdays as the ones where they end in a "0". They don't bother me, because all the time you are ?9 people tell you you'll be ?0 next. By the time you are, you've lived with the age for a year. For me the big ones end in a 5. And that's one of those for me. As of about half an hour ago I became "nearer 60 than 50". How did that happen?!?!?! Reaching 50 sounded quite old, but the idea of being 60 sounds ancient. I mean, that's old people!

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