LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Retro Rainbow

Today I read a column by Simon Kelner with the headline, No good decisions can ever be made at 4:31am. He's got a point, that was the exact time that I decided to drag myself out of bed this morning. Hasn't been a bad day having said that.

First saw these in the airport a few weeks ago and actually laughed out loud in the shop, getting looks from fellow shoppers and the staff. People can't seem to get enough of retro stuff, I am no different. The thing I am most looking forward to doing on my ipad2 is play old ZX Spectrum games on it. Such an advanced piece of kit to play games with smaller KB size than an email!

These old style phone receivers are for plugging into your iPhone or mobile so you can chat away like its 1988 and get the cord all tangled up. Would love to see someone walking down the road using one of these. Was tempted but at £25 quid...maybe wait for the sale :-)

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