Life Songs

By TenorSong


Very, very packed day today!

Up at 8.30 to iron shirt and trousers, off to work at the restaurant at 10.30, concussed myself (actually knocked myself out a little bit), finished at 3.30, home, shower, changed, makeup on, left at 4.15, rehearsal at the Queens Hall at 5, meeting friends and family pre-concert at 7.00, concert at 7.30, finished and eating pizza at 10.15, home 11.30, bed 11.45. Phew!

Funniest thing that happened all day though has to have been when a lady came in to the restaurant (mid service) to ask if anyone owned a silver Nissan Micra. As shamed as he was to admit it, the chef had to go and take a look...

The handbrake had failed on a car parked further up the hill and rolled down in to the back of his car, which is fortunate really as the next stop would have been the harbour!

Yes, I am concussed. Again. It isn't nice.

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