A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


I give infinate thanks to God that He has been pleased to make me alone the first to see amazing things which have been hidden since the beginning of time.

Gallileo on his telescope.

Just imagine that. Seeing the detail in the night sky that no-one has ever seen before and you are seeing it for the first time. Mind blowing.

You can see my favourite crater in this, Tycho. Yes, I have a favourite crater. It is the one near the bottom right corner and it is a relatively young one as you can see the rays of dust spreading right across the moon's surface from where the meteorite struck. As the millenia go by, other meteorites will strike the surface and the dust rays from that will cover the rays from Tycho.

(my husband lent me his lens for me to take this. :-) )

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