Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Your Being Watched.

I had a few different ideas for photos today, but I liked the grackle's eyes. I'll admit these aren't my favorite birds at times, but do make for fascinating photos. He had been kicking up the leaves, but I couldn't quite manage to get a photo of that. You do have that feeling of being watched whenever these birds are around :) I do assume this is the common grackle

An interesting Sunday, I do believe we are falling apart here in the Valley home. The hubster had hurt his hand yesterday while working around the house. Of course it had swelled up during the night so off to the emergency room we went this morning to make sure nothing was broken. He got his diagnosis of having bad sprain and a finger splint to boot. The 50 age bracket has been a little tough on us :D Daughter was home yesterday evening and left this afternoon. I'll have to say she was a tad bit on the cranky side... How much joy & peace can we possibly stand during the holiday season haha...

A short work week coming up for me. And another busy weekend coming up on the horizon. Just hopefully no more visits to the emergency room...

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