
By grounded

Carols by Candlelight!

Went to Kirkie Baptist Church this morning as we still seek to find where we will settle into membership. It was a good service!

Spent the afternoon working on a sermon which I will deliver at college on Wednesday as part of the Preaching Module. I also finished off and printed out my other pieces of work to hand in this week. I hope I have done ok! Sermon is on my ipad and iphone ready to go!

Went back to the carol service tonight... I offer some candles as my blip. I'm still struggling to feel festive as we will not have a tree. It seems wrong to spend the money on one and to buy new decorations when we have a tree and decorations in the storage container.

For those who pray... please pray as we hope my pension gets sorted and the flat purchase goes through this week. I think I will come out of this year having learned that I need more patience!

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