Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Yule regret it

Whipped cream, sponge and chocolate. My first attempt at a yule log. A very messy log. Now cooling in the fridge.

Christmas is two weeks away and already it is making me fat. But what's a man to do? If you haven't cooked something before you have to have a trial run don't you?

Talking of trial runs  - my weekly run up to London today for the aged P was definitely a trial thanks to rain,  TSM and the Dizzle not getting to meet up with us because of train hassles, and lost disability parking permits. Aged P and I ended up in a very dodgy Harvester style pub eating bland fish and chips whilst surrounded by possibly the worst decor outside of a bankrupt flock wallpaper Indian restaurant that was too poor taste even for an episode of Life On Mars.

Very glad to get home after that one although the aged P was lovely. Apart from suddenly looking puzzled and asking where my stepfather had gone halfway through the meal. "He's dead" I reminded her, then paused; "Actually" I said "he's at that table over there with the Ghost of Christmas Past" which made her laugh...

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