A Fabulous Christmasy Day

2years 51days

It's been a magical day today. So brilliant. A friend and I met up to take Katie out for the day, and we met up with the lovely Vic and childre too for the day as well. Such a great day! We started out going to our church "nativity" - I say "nativity" not Nativity, as Nativity gives images of toddlers as sheep, an angelic 6year old as mary etc etc. This was part-pre-filmed and part live, teenagers, including Elvis, Michael Jackson and Cliff Richard as the Kings, and set in 2031. It was brilliant, as always they did us really proud. Katie at a quite inopportune (or perfectly timed really) moment announced "I need a weewee". Loudly.

After coffee, we headed to the Festival of Christmas. We parked at the park and ride - the children were SO excited to go on the "buf" (in Katie's words). Much singing of wheels on the bus, various verses. It was raining most of the day but didnt put a damper on it. Katie started talking about wanting to see owls. Which was weird, as the first thing we went to was an owl and falconry display. She loved them. The big kids held owls, Katie flapped like one, very excited.

We then walked through to the town, and saw the Music Box above, with a Monkey that danced a bit. And a Katie that did too. One of my favourite memories of the day was all the children walking hand in hand, including Monkey in the middle.

Katie liked the Santas driving some classic cars we saw and the big Christmas Organ. We stopped at the mini fairground rides and she had her first ever go on a ride, swings that go up and out to the sides. She was laughing away, extremely delighted with it. In fact as it began to slow, her little face fell more and more as they got closer to stopping. We went over to see the (live) reindeer, and meet Father Christmas. Katie was absolutely fascinated by the reindeer and sat on some hay bales for ages watching them. She wanted to go as soon as Father Christmas came anywhere near us!

We stopped in a nice sandwich shop for lunch. Katie insisted on having a huge milkshake that came covered in cream, sprinkles, marshmallows and crispies. She didnt like it beyond the treats! We then walked to the Christmas Tree Festival. It was in the Minster, and Katie had a fantastic time watching the clog dancing, exploring the Minster with the big kids, whilst Vic and I had a look at the Christmas Trees, and scored them on a totally made up scale that changed on our whims, of course (we are tough judges, it turns out).

Going back through town, we stopped off for a hot drink to warm up a little. Costa didnt really know what hit it! A quick look round the Christmas Market and there was time for one last go on the ride again. It was just as big a success second time round! As was the bus, the second time round.

Getting away from the parking was an adventure, we both got stuck in the mud. Leaving relied on chivalry from a very helpful chap, who got covered in mud in the process. The day was ended wonderfully with a gorgeous meal at Frankie and Benny's, and Katie falling fast asleep in the car, now sleeping in her tights and top snuggled in bed.

We have had such a fabulous time with the Vic family. We've found very special friends in them, thankyou. xxxxx

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