Big Hill

By bighill

Quiet Sunday!

Cold and snowing this morning when i got up....and for the third morning in a row, i stayed in my pj's, made some coffee, put some wood on the stove and settled in on the sofa, and read my book! I've finished it now and what a good read it was! I've now got 2 more Mary Gordon books ready to start. One is a memoir and the other fiction, so no problem reading both at the same time....not literally!

It's been flurrying off and on all day, so when we thought there was a window of no snow actually falling, we started to get our gear on to head out for a walk. But of course, at this time of year, getting 'your gear on'....can take 10 minutes and guess what, the snow can start again, and it did!! Nonetheless, out we went and it was good to be outside walking. Then we moved the 5 remaining boxes of clay from the studio to the house. It's not a good idea to let clay freeze, the studio is only heated with a woodstove, and as i'm not planning on making any pots for a few weeks, thought it best to be on the safe side!

Now back to reading.....i love this phase of not having to be in the studio!

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