Tentsmuir Light

We headed down to Tentsmuir this afternoon. It was mild (4c) and no wind and very pleasant. It was also deserted. Is everyone out Christmas shopping? This made for a very pleasant walk as we were just about the only people on that vast deserted stretch of beach.

Oscar loves the beach and had a great time off lead chasing the ball and playing with sticks. Him and young J had a bit of a battle over one particular stick.

Back home and into domestic goddess mode. Dinner is almost ready. I am a wee bit worried that our own Monica aka Jake may once again pronounce my jam sponge to be heavy. I do hope not. I have used a new recipe which has no fat (tonnes of sugar mind you) and it was whipped up nicely. If he does dare to criticise it, some punishment will have to be thought up :)

Have a good Sunday and sorry to all of you who have work tomorrow ;-)

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