The Land's End to John O'Groats classic car challenge came through the village today, in fact listening to another deep, throaty rumble just going by, it still is. We went out at 3pm down to the High Street in the hope of seeing some of the cars, only to find that the route was straight along our lane. Unfortunately, they were an hour late setting off from their last stop so it was getting rather glum and dark when they started coming through in dribs and drabs. Here we had three burbling past at once, a blue one at the front, a red one at the back, and a red 1957 MGA, registration M 1957, neat touch that, manned by Curt Wagner and Horst Pokroppa (LUX/DEU), in the middle. The ex used to have one so I recognised that, but even enlarged I can't read what the other two are.

The start time from Land's End was 8am yesterday and they drove through the night, and Wales, to reach North Yorkshire this afternoon. They are now going on up past Tan Hill tonight , which is full of snow, and should arrive at John O'Groats sometime on Tuesday.

A couple didn't quite sound as if they would make it, but Good Luck to them all.

I wonder what year my Micra would qualify for entry, seeing as she's had a practice drive through France, half way up Mont Blanc and across to Switzerland ....... and got back! Hellonwheels, do you fancy being navigator?

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