Bearing Gifts from the East
Could the snow of yesterday in Edinburgh be just a dream. We woke this morning to mild temperatures and green grass.
There was not a speck of white to be seen as his Lordship and I headed west bearing Christmas gifts for our Glasgow family and the family of Shipley daughter, who will be up in Glasgow this week at a conference.
Yes, all was done and dusted early so that we can escape with clear consciences to the Christmas markets in Budapest later this week.
Oh to be a three year old and believe in Santa.
The letter from Nina has been written and posted asking for a baby for Mummy and a pussycat.
It goes without saying that 'Mummy' is somewhat horrified at both requests, and I know that Nina will be very disappointed.
My letter to Santa goes unposted; an I pad2 request is not worth the stamp, given the recession in Lapland and Santa's many other commitments.
Nevertheless, his Lordship and will hang up our socks as usual, but will only expect to find an apple and a tangerine in each, and perhaps a bit of melting snow from Rudolf's antlers.
Since it will be a flying visit in both senses, Santa may not have time to eat the shortbread or drink the whisky we will leave for him. His Lordship will be delighted at that possibility.
No doubt I will get Rudolph's carrot.
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