Gitama's World

By Gitama

Aeonian Vs Ephemeral

Aeonian....Eternal, Everlasting........

Ephemeral....lasting a very short time, short lived.

Gorgeous words..... both hold a certain magical quality..........I was trying to think of something that is Eternal or Everlasting..........I can only think of one thing really.....and that is the spark that is in each of us...our spirit if you like......that spark never winks out... it just keeps on shining. Our bodies are Ephemeral in the big picture but our spirit just keeps on trucking.

Bubbles are Ephemeral...yes! more bubbles today but different...I am experimenting with them.
Jaiya bought me a HUGE bubble wand and the bubbles that come out of it are as big as dinner plates....I never get tired of watching the colors and reflections in them...they are so graceful floating up into the sky.
I'm a cheap date.

Lovely Sunday...lots of visitors but a bit pooped now...Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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