Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

A Child is Hidden

"In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

No, these two aren't hidden, but my hidden child had a lot of fun with Miss newly-6 helping her to build (ok, mostly building :-p ) her new Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean sets.

Well, I had fun the first time. Didn't mind much the second time, after the Pirates set hit the floor. Was fairly much over it the third time. Told them next time they can put it together again however they want; I won't be doing it. ;-)

For this pic I sharpened it, pulled down the luminance curve, added a "multiply" layer (opacity around 50% maybe), and warmed up the white balance a fair chunk to compensate for the flash's harshness.

Large version here.

Unprocessed version here.

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