Focus on the Sky
After a quiet and rather uneventful day, except that we did give all three dogs a bath today. Well actually a shower. So they are clean, smell lovely, and feel wonderful to touch.
The main event of this day happened as the sun decided to turn the sky into a spectacular canvas as it made a grand exit. Just a few moments later on the evening news, the reporters were explaining that Californians will be the recipients of an almost complete lunar eclipse early tomorrow morning. So the sky seems to be demanding our attention.
Mr. Fun will most likely get himself up at 4:30ish to see the sight. I'll have the job of keeping the bed warm while he wanders about outside at O-dark-thirty looking and taking in the wonder.
I've explained this in my journal before -- I don't like looking at the moon. I know that's stupid; when I was a little girl I was afraid of the moon. I don't know why or how that fear started. I don't think it's either right or wrong. It's just how I felt as a child. So I am still not much of a fan of the moon; I don't think , though, that I am afraid of it.
But I am afraid of the boogie man! Okay, that's enough of my foolishness for this Friday. Have a great Saturday.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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