
By strawhouse

Christmas Decorations

Our tree is taking a ridiculously long time to decorate. Mr K did it all as a surprise for me when I was out on Tuesday night, but the new lights we bought were completely different to the ones we had so half the tree was brightly lit and the other half was low voltage subtle glow. It looked really odd! So I went back to B&Q on Wednesday to get the right ones.
Tonight we finally got round to taking off all the decorations and swapping the one set of lights.
And we're both too tired - after eating and drinking all day at lovely Mr C's Christmas party - to bother putting the decorations back on.
At this rate the tree won't be finished by Christmas..... And we've still got the rest of the house to do. Oh dear!!
Still, Center Parcs to look forward to on Monday. Lots of lovely decorations there!!!!

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