Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

I had a shooting gig today... an event at the nearby university which involves having elementary school-aged kids spending several days on campus with their grandparents. Everyone stays on campus at residence halls and attends "classes" in various disciplines.

On my way back, I took a slightly different path than I might normally have taken, and walked past a building in which I'd worked for over ten years (I left there in 1995). This bike seemed to call out to me. (Or perhaps I should say it "spoked" to me. Haha!)

While I live within a fifteen-minute walk of the shoot (I don't own a car and I need a new lock for my bike), it had rained just prior to my leaving for the job. It rained again within minutes of my return home... I feel quite lucky not to have gotten soaked. Or worse, to have my gear get wet.

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