
By notsonormallife


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well not via snow and such, but by decorations.. Only two weeks to go until the big day.. & by now most shops will have their Christmas sections laid out. A trip down the high street is filled with bells, holly & trees. Obviously it's because they want you to buy as much stuff as possible. So I did that today.

Me & the family have a recent tradition of all heading out shopping at the same time & at the same place. Why? You may ask?.. Well we like to make sure that all out presents are actually what we want. I.E Clothes that fit, The right book, the correct video game and so on. This limits the chances of us having to return our presents after Christmas. You may feel this ruins Christmas, but to be honest we don't. The season is about being with your family & the ones you love. That's what today was about.

The picture was taken of one of the decorations on the shopping centre we shopped at :-)

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