Egg-static (not)
Oh, it was all going so well. This morning the electrican arrived, prompt as ever, and fixed what needed fixing. So we had a whopping great 12kW of power. Finally, enough to turn the oven on! So, we did. In went the pizzas and... after four minutes the power went. Let me just say that mi-cuit pizzas are not great.
So tomorrow will be another fried egg day, I think.
That apart, there was much cleaning and sorting in the kids' rooms so they could sleep in them tonight and much cleaning and sorting also in the sitting room (TV room) so I can have my computer back in the evenings... But nothing doing with the telly. No signal. On tracing back up the aerial line I found something that might be a problem - the electrician hadn't connected together the line from the roof with the line from the socket in the wall.
Funny kind of day then. Much enriched by going to look for the kids (who were too quiet for comfort) to find them in Conor's room, doing a jigsaw in a really co-operative way, in French.
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