Tesco opens in Bridge-of-Allan
The hurricane winds have gone and the snow retreated to the mountain tops.
So all is peaceful again in our quiet Victorian spa town of Bridge of Allan .
So, what's unusual about to day?
Well, at 6.am. Tesco Express opened its doors for the first time.
And it's in our main street, the first place tourists hit when they come here and they do, in their droves in the summer for we are a destination town.
Oh yes there has been a campaign to stop it but who can arrest the Tesco juggernaut?
Naturally the small shopkeepers are worried and they have reason to be.
A recent planning application saw the Green belt between Bridge of Allan and Stirling breached with a plan to build 700 houses.
With regret I have to say that most of us have adopted a fatalistic attitude, seeing it as yet another example of Bridge of Allan loosing its historical identify and becoming a suburb of Stirling.
If you want to see how Tesco is taking over Scotland just check out this web site.
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