This lake ain't big enough for the both of us...

A beautiful winter day today with bright sunshine and just a touch of morning frost in the valley. I missed sunrise - I felt that a lie in would do me more good - but took the dogs out fairly early on.

There were quite a few interesting birds around, though people kept getting in my way. I got a good sighting of a tree creeper on a willow, but a lady was standing close to it with three rather yappy dogs, and I couldn't really approcah, as she clearly was trying to keep her dogs away from my two.

Further on I again heard the gentle piping call of bullfinches, and approached slowly and gently, to find a young couple making out on a picnic bench nearby. I though it might not be tactful to hang around in the bushes trying to photograph birds.

The waterfowl are always the easiest, but I was quite pleased with the posture of these two young common gulls - a cear case of aggression and submission.

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