Evening all!
Christmas card time......Mini G has 'voluteered' to pose for Christmas cards that Elder G would like to send........she has that look that says "you got me in this bloody suit, doesn't mean I have to smile about it...take the pic !!"
We took the pic. We took several. The dog wasn't chuffed either with the reindeer ears......when we did get them to pose together, Mini G and the dog were looking at each other as if to say "you too......."
Then she didn't want the dog to be in the pic......think the dog was happy about that.....and the ears got shredded lol ! ;0)
Then she didn't want to sit still.....not one of her strong points anyway at the best of times lol ;0)
This is the best of the bunch and no matter what, I think she's the cutest ever......always gets my vote and Mamma G's !!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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