again! In the afternoon Piet Hein and I decide to walk the beach again together. There is blue in the sky, will the sun make it warmer, that's the question.
Why the weather has become suddenly so important? Because of the daylight becoming shorter and shorter? Anyway, there blew a terrible wind, the strip of the shore where one walks is now with high tide very narrow and the Zandmotor does not attract us at all! The kite surfers have another great day, not so many of them in the waves now. We hardly know what they experience going at that great spead over the water. What I know is that the wind makes me a bit dizzy in the head.

My haiku:

My feet deep in sand
My mind tries to understand
Across always far

And the proverb from the book:

She/he that has a head of wax must not walk in the sun.

The problem here is of course does one know if one has a head of wax.

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