It's Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssstttttttmaaaaaaasssss!!

So Here It Is, Merry Xmas, Everybody's Having Fun.

No really, it is.

Due to logistical reasons, my lovely bf and I will be in separate countries on the 25th December so Christmas came early to the East Midlands.

We went to a party on Christmas Eve, I had too much wine, we danced about a bit, I talked rubbish, some traditions just can't be broken.

Christmas day brought a crisp and sunny dog walk, presents, porridge, presents, telly, and a massive tree just out of shot, all decorated up with presents under. I'm wearing a Christmas-jumper-dress with reindeers on, nothings too tacky at Christmas.

Oh and did I mention presents? Even Chester, the dawg, got in on the act, he had a present for every one of ours, and he unwraps them so carefully.


Merry Christmas Everybody, Slade, 1973

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