A confused genius

By Lez11


Again not a lot has happened today. Got to brum new street station tonight to find virtually all trains have been delayed, even cancelled, including mine. I actually enjoy it when that happens as I love people watching to see their reactions. No matter how much they scream and shout they need to realise the trains not comming. It's like if they shout loud enough someone will put a special train on just for them like they are the queen or something. Hilarious!!!!

luckily when we got on the train I managed to get a seat and everyone else were packed in like sardines. I swear people try and cop a feel of others when it's an over crowded, cramped situation. Obviously I wouldnt do that.

Walked my mates dog again tonight down the canal, or cut, as its called in the black country. I was listening to the Ricky gervais pod cast with Steve merchant & Karl pilkington, I was p**sing myself laughing. I must have looked like a simple person laughing to myself, then I realised I just fit in with the locals.

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