Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

A bit blowy

Today wasn't the day I was expecting.
Work was closed at 2.30pm due to the high winds and all the warnings that were being put out.

Headed down to the harbour to see the sea. Could harldy open the car door and struggled to walk to a vantage point for photo's. Was definately not going down to the harbour area so this was taken from the pavement. You don't get the full picture here but I only stayed for a few minutes.
You could see the wind blowing the sea and the waves were a bit high. The seagulls here were struggling to land.

Came home, changed and jumped into bed for an hour after last night's rubbish sleep. Then wrapped some presents.
Now sitting with a cup of tea, listening to the howling wind and watching the trees blowing, think I may close my curtains.

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