Outside Tables
Blow winds and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow!
The storm is up, and all is on hazard. *
Just my luck then to have to leave the warmth and comfort of the Dower House to walk to our old stamping ground near the castle for a late birthday coffee morning given in my honour by two friends.
The wind was roaring through the high branches of the trees along Middle Meadow Walk as I made sure I walked in the middle of the path to avoid any flying twigs, or worse, a falling tree.
It was exhilarating to pitch oneself against nature's fury, and to be quite honest it wasn't any worse than I've experienced many times before.
In fact we coffee morning ladies wondered what sort of youngsters we have nowadays that have to get off school early because of high wind and a bit of rain.
There must have been winds as strong as this in our schooldays and we didn't expect to get off school early. I imagine it all has to do with this new compensation culture which engulfs us nowadays and prevents children being exposed to life.
And so as I type and it gets closer to the witching hour of 3pm when the winds will be at their strongest, life goes on as usual outside my window.
There are cyclists cycling, joggers jogging and people walking with their hoods up to avoid the stinging horizontal rain and hail.
The seagulls have gone to ground and can feel very much at home with the amount of surface water lying on the grass
Now and then, the sun comes out and things look more friendly and familiar.
I wonder if the forecasters have over egged the pudding.
* Shakespeare, not I.
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