Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Messing Around!

Sometimes it's fun to just mess around with my camera. I don't do that nearly enough. I'm really in need of some playtime. Surely that sounds ridiculous from a grown woman. Actually, I'm not grown -- a long time ago I decided that Peter Pan had the right concept, "I don't want to grow-up!" How did Pete know that? He was wise beyond his years. So Mr. Fun and I are not to the "up" yet!

This wasn't one of the best days I've ever had at the campus. Nothing to do with students, just some haggling with the one who schedules and oversees the Writing Center during Final Exam week -- which is next week.

Then I went to class where my Tuesday students wrote their last essay -- an in-class essay (no notes, no books) -- and then next Tuesday is the Final Exam, which is a proofreading quiz which is a multiple choice (or multiple guess depending on the student) Scantron. So the grand finale grading episode is not to grueling. Half of my Thursday students, the half that is responsible and prepared, wrote their essay last week and good golly, some of those drafts are stellar. Very rewarding to read. (And some of them weren't.)

So late afternoon, that staircase shadow again caught my attention and now I'm confessing that I was just messing around.

I like messing around -- I'd like to do more of it. I'd like to bake cookies, to go for a leisure drive in the country; to write my annual Christmas card letter; to wrap a few trinket gifts that I think will be meaningful to those who receive them; I like to do nothing and not feel guilty.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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