
By LeeAnne


Well I've had a shitter of a day... it doesn't really get much worse (although I realise that many people are worse off than me and actually I'm very lucky in most aspects of my life but I'm indulging in a day of self-pity) so when I came home tonight and saw Sleepyhead's blip it cheered me up a lot! Thank you Sleepy!

So off I went, armed with the only decoration I didn't have to get ladders out to retrieve, in my PJs (looking hot - not!!) with my coat on and my Uggs, in true chavtastic style to take a photo of our community tree (that now has no nasty barrier round it - although I can't decide if it was my tea that was making me sink or the ruddy great hole they dug to put in the concrete post!)

Anyway, all of the pics were utterly rubbish! The ones that are blurred I think are quite cool but my other choice of blip was my book that arrived today "Nikon D5100 for Dummies" so maybe I'll improve on the whole 'bokeh' thing when I've actually read the book and know what that means!

My membership for Historic Scotland came through today too. I shall attempt to make use of that this weekend. Although I have to send the ace hired lens back on Friday, I fear I'm going to miss it a lot!

Here's hoping that Tuesday hasn't permanently moved into every day of my life (for those not in the know, I hate Tuesdays) and tomorrow will be better, I'll find the job of my dreams or win the lottery which would solve both problems! No more Tuesdays with pots of dosh... I could pay them to bugger off!

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