She left me on Friday...

By DiscoDown


Jonica is the Catalan name for the statue Ionic, Tribute to Kavafis, by Josep Maria Subirachs, which is in the Jardines "Hort del rei" in Palma de Mallorca. Subirachs was inspired by the poem Ionic by Constantine P Cavafy, translated into Catalan from the original Greek by Carles Riba:

Per bé que trossejàrem llurs estàtues,
per bé que els bandejàrem de llurs temples,
no per això moriren pas els déus.
Oh terra de la Jònia, a tu encara t'estimen,
guarden el teu record llurs ànimes encara.
Quan un matí d'agost s'aixeca damunt teu,
per la teva atmosfera
revé com una saba de llur vida;
i de vegades una aèria,
jovenívola forma,
indefinida, amb trànsit prompte,
pel cim dels teus pujols es veu com passa.

An extract from says, "The work of Subirachs is one of the richest, definitive and most representative of the contemporary Catalan and Spanish art. It is recognised worldwide that his works have marked a step forwards in the modern times of his country. He is the pioneer of Avant Guard sculpture in Catalonia in the second half of the twentieth century."

Personally, I saw a pair of boobs and thought, "I'm getting a photo of that".

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