A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto


Took this in a few stolen moments after dropping A off in Manchester for her lift home.
As I whizzed past what was the old Albion Market soap opera site (going back a few years there), I spotted this view down a little side street (which is just over the river so probably is technically Salford), and then pulled over on the way back to take this. I took four shots in total, and I considered a mono conversion, but after a bit of buggering about, I've decided I like the straight out of camera version better.

For a long time I've considered adding qualifications to my belt to try and get a better job, but if it's going to come out of my own pocket, why shouldn't I instead just opt for studying something that I actually like?
The job I've got is alright, the pay isn't brilliant, but it's a comfortable amount.
Studying something to get paid more would ultimately provide more comfort, that much is true, but essentially I'd be committing myself to studying to help pay the bills.
The thing is, the bills always get paid. Sometimes I have more money left than others, but I need to have a bit more foresight and a bit more of something to aim for than just paying the bloody bills. Otherwise, what's the point?

So before 2013 comes around, I'm going to get a bit more money together, and I'm going to start studying photography.
It will take a long time to get a qualification out of it but I don't care.


"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." (Epictetus)

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