Free as a bird

By freebird

St John's at Christmas

Although Peterborough has a wonderful cathedral, it also has this beautiful parish church situated right in the centre of the city. For years it was diminished by a hotch potch of buildings hiding its true beauty. Thankfully the worst of them was demolished in the last couple of years - a tasteless monstrosity that the council allowed to be built right in front of this lovely west-facing fascade.

Well, we are now seeing St John's in all its glory. It was dedicated in 1407 and the 16th century was an eventful time. Its bells sounded for the funerals of both Katharine of Aragon (1536) and Mary, Queen of Scots (1587) in the cathedral. The church sexton, Robert Scarlett, buried both Queens, and is himself buried in the cathedral, having died in 1594 at the age of 98. Quite an age for those times.

... and yes, that is a star at the top right.

For the record: 5C max.

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