The Odyssey

By Zion

Don't let the bed bugs bite

Today, I have been studying for my cardio exam all day.
I really want to stop and smell the roses - (okay, realistically, at least smell the great aroma of the coffee I have been drinking all day while studying!) - but just can't stop now.

I really thought I might go into cardiology but ... yeah, let's keep that in prayer! Bottom line, I am a little jumpy - so naturally, one can understand why I have to rush Zoe's bedtime routine tonight.

So she had a meal, watched TV for an hour, had a snack - then bedtime.
The routine - read her a "pinkalicious" story, say our prayers, hugs and kisses goodnight.

Oh ZOE! why do we have to hug a thousand more times and kiss two thousand more times! Can we just go to bed?!? The bible talks about the weapons formed against you... well the word "formed" - restated is "custom made." Tonight my custom made weapon is Zoe's bedtime routine!
Anyway, she finally fell asleep!
I went back to studying - went to check on her later, she was completely out.

Note to self -
don't work yourself up Judith -
she's exhausted and really wants to go to bed.
She just doesn't know it.
You're the parent - so tell her!
Don't let the bed bugs bite... (pun intended)

P.S secret Santa brought chocolate treats today :-)

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