Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Walked over the Kessock Bridge this morning.

Over the years I've had various back problems. Mainly sciatic nerve related, and always to just one side. On my worse bout, I noticed I'd lost the strength to stand on tip toes on that side. A physiotherapist reckoned it would be months to get back to normal. As the loss was over just a few days, I thought she was joking. Alas no.

Cycling was not possible, unless I wanted another ride to hospital... a story for another day. To try and build up some fitness over Winter, I started driving part of the way in to work, and walking the last two and half miles, which included crossing the Kessock Bridge. This had the benefit of avoiding the morning traffic hold ups on the bridge, and I could start carrying my camera with me each day - something I'd wanted to do for a while.

It was often bitterly cold being totally exposed to the wind up there, but it was effective in retaining some fitness, and rather worryingly, I enjoyed it. Enjoyed it to the extent that I've continued to walk in periodically over the last five Winters, especially on days that would be iffy for cycling. With another couple of inches of snow overnight, today was such a day, and the first time I've done the walk this Winter. Lots of looks questioning my sanity this morning. Little wonder, the severe windchill had me wondering if my ungloved shutter hand was becoming frostbitten at one point.

As the tracks show, some hardy soul have cycled... recently. None passed me by whilst I crossed, in either direction.

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