Growing old disgracefully



There must be so many different reasons. For me, it is about a view of daily life, not all of which is chocolate boxy. I had a taxing day of making decisions about whether it was safe to drive to Edinburgh, whether I should stay over, go by train, cancel my class? The weather forecast was discouraging and although I felt reasonably relaxed about driving in winter weather, I also have to consider others worrying about me while I am gone. Going by train presented problems in that I take a lot of equipment with me - a whole yoga studio, in fact. I could stay over with my awesome niece, but then I would not be back to help Ted with child care tomorrow and I might keep said neice up too late gabbing in my usual fashion.

In the end, I went by car and came home again. All my students turned up, in spite of the distances they had to travel. They are such a wonderful bunch of people and so rewarding to work with. Travelling was a breeze, but it was raining heavily when I got home. So the car was unloaded and dumped where it lay in the downstairs bedroom. It can wait until tomorrow until I stack in neatly in my study till Thursday. This is just a fraction of it - the spare bedroom is so small I could not get far enough away to get it all in the picture.

It's not pretty, but it's my day!

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