
By MrsHollow


This is my second blip. I have taken my camera to school with me every day this week but haven't yet managed to get it out of the bag. So tonight I was sat racking my brains about what to take an image of that would be interesting. After 11 hours at work my brain wouldn't provide me with inspiration so I selected one of my most valuable possesions. After a mini training session on how to take interesting photos this is what I produced.

I'm not really one for having the lastest gadget. My phone only cost me 11 quid - it's just not high on my list of priorities. But I love my i-pod. It goes everywhere with me. It contains the randomest selection of music you could wish for. I have a little badge that sums up why I always have my i-pod. It says 'music washes from the soul the dust of every day life.' I have a song for every possible mood and so many songs that remind me of some moment in life.
My i-pod is the soundtrack to my life.

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