He Put a Great Big Smile upon Somebody's Face....

With Apologies to Those who believe the C word should be kept until the week before!

Santa came round tonight, and amidst much squealing and yelling, Tooliebelle and I managed to get him to come over and pose with us, much to Si's mortification.

This Rotary Santa's Grotto has taken to the streets around Troon for as long as I can remember - one year I even had the amazing pleasure of being an elf. I adored it, I was in heaven. I challenged anyone who questioned my authority as Santa's Elf. We made Stacks of Money!

One year, the year before we moved in here, we were living at mum's between house moves. The little ones, because they were very little then (4 and 7) and were perched up on the bedroom window ledge, watching as Santa's Grotto came closer.

To our immense Joy, Santa stopped under the bedroom window, gave us an obligatory Ho Ho Ho, and shouted have you been good. They both squealed with delight, and I leaned out and said "Well Santa, if you want the truth".

Santa laughed and walked on his jolly way, and we turned ready to tuck the now hyper-explosive children into bed.

And then I saw it. Tooli's bottom lip trembing, the eyes watering. "You told Santa I was bad, he won't come back". And then the howl commenced.

Dressing gown on, mum's slippers on, I grabbed her out of bed and set off down the road at a pace after the grotto. Santa was just climbing on board again, getting ready for the next road, when he caught sight of me.

He came over, and I said "Santa, I'm sorry, I was joking. Toolibelle has been an angel". And he patted her on the head, dried her wee teary eyes and said "i know, I know".

Disaster averted!

Tonight was a joy - about 20 elves wandering around, Wizard blasting out from the grotto, all the little ones in the street standing in back lit doorways, giggling in delight. Bless that man who walks to each door with little people standing in it, and bless him even more for coming over to, as the Elf put it, a couple of rather Mature Fans, and giving us our Christmas Cuddles! Look out Street Santas! I'm in the mood now!

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