bird power nap
Me and Hubs were in Clonakilty for a rather nice Xmas 'do'. Hotel with spa, dinner and breakfast and a gorgeous collection of enthusiastic, but sensible young girlie tree huggers. Hubs and other oldies quietly impressed by the short length of skirts and me by their vitality and academic background.
To the foto>These birds appeared to taking a nap just at the waters edge, which I've not seen before. I think they're some sort of oyster catcher? The ones I would be sure of have orange legs, so I'm not certain of this type (maybe they just take their orange tights off when they're in Clonakilty and go for a more cosmopolitan look)?!
Had the suspicious mole removed in hospital this morning. All went fine and I was just left with the facial equivilent of going to the dentist. the local anaesthetic left me feeling like deputy dowg with dangly jowls! it soon wore off and I had bonified 'face ache' - whilst being very happy.
Good night. Lovely people.
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