Life on Sheep's Head

By OwlLady

Meet Tepeu...

Tepeu is a Tropical Screech Owl (Otus Choliba). Why they call them *Screech Owl* is beyond me, because they really only screech when they're uncomfortable or scared. Tepeu is never scared and mainly produces lovely, quiet little sounds.

Tepeu is 6 years old and he's tiny. Hubby built him a huge cage in our TV room and he is the only one that lives in the house with us. A great little character. Tepeu and I can chat for ages.

We have seven owls. Hence the name *OwlLady*. Our owls were all born in captivity, are all ringed and have their paperwork in order. We are not a sanctuary, like some people seem to think. Our owls are all pets. We bought them from a breeder, way back when we still lived in Holland, and I hand-reared them all, so I am Mummy to them. Other people have Canaries or Budgies, we have Owls.

Now... I love my birds dearly and they make for wonderful pets, if you give them the time, care and attention they need. However, I do NOT and never will recommend keeping owls (or any birds, for that matter) as pets. In my humble opinion, birds should be flying around free, they don't belong in cages.
When it comes to my birds, I console myself with the thought that, if I hadn't bought them, someone else would have. And they might not have the love, care and good life they have with me.
So. Do NOT try this at home, unless you are willing to study them intensely, learn as much as you can about them and have PLENTY of room to house them in large aviaries with at least one comfy tree which provides a good view of the world, a clean bath and lots of room in case they feel like flying around (owls are by nature quite lazy birds).
Also, they need food. They are carnivores and not just that. Their digestive system requires bones, feathers, hair, beaks, nails and all kinds of other indigestible stuff, so they can produce owl pellets. If you feed them the finest steak, or beautiful chicken breasts, you may think you're giving them the best, but it will kill them.
I try to keep my birds on a schedule as close to nature as possible. I feed them at dusk (late afternoon in winter, late evening in summer) and I order 500kg frozen day-old chicks and 100kg frozen mice every 2 years, from a fab company in Holland, who delivers to my door. I have five big freezers on the go full time.

Keeping owls is wonderful & rewarding. It is also costly, time consuming and it requires a lot of stamina and energy, going out in the baddest of weathers to feed & care for them every day, no matter what. In short: Think before you decide. In saying that... I absolutely adore my birdies.

Sorry for yet another long story and I certainly didn't mean to lecture anyone. Just couldn't help myself. ;) You will all the others as time goes by.

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