It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I'm a ball....

Here I am curled up in a tight ball. I do this sometimes when I am a bit cold. We had just got back from our walk where we got wet through to our pants! So after a good towelling down I curled up in my favourite spot on the sofa when mum wasn't looking *giggle*

I am actually not talking to mum today. She made me go to the V.E.T this morning. She has been getting more and more concerned about my lack of toileting in the garden and the fact that I need lots of encouragement to eat.

I do love going to the V.E.T as I LOVE the girls, especially my lovely nurse Jo. She gives the BEST tummy tickles. However, today the other door opened and the big V.E.T man Chris invited me in. OH NO WAY was I going in there. NO WAY. I can just smell the fear from other doggies in there.

Mum was making her excited come on then noises and Chris hid behind the door so I couldn't see him but OH NO, I knew he was there. You can't fool me. In the end mum DRAGGED me across the waiting room floor into the room and then Jo came in so I hid behind her for a minute but she couldn't stay for long. After she had gone I made myself look as invisible as I could in the corner and lay shaking whilst mum had a good long chat with Chris.

Apparently I am fine. I have developed these funny behaviours since my season and mum or daddy are not to pander to me! Damn damn damn, I have been found out! I have been quite enjoying mum sitting on the floor next to my bowl and throwing my biscuit food towards me to get me to come over. Then she hand feeds me a bit before I start scoffing on my own.

Then I have been REEEAAALLLLLY enjoying winding her up when I have to go out for my bedtime wee. You see I really don't need a wee, I can hold it for hours and hours. It is quite huge my bladder you know ;-) but I do like to tease mum. sniffing around and around the garden, eating things I shouldn't, hiding under the table whilst she shivers in her dressing gown *giggle*

So mum is going to keep an eye on me but not worry so much. It could all be just my hormones! Hee hee!

I had better go now. I might think about eating my dinner in a minute ;-) but before I do I want to thank everyone sooooo much for all the lovely comments, hearts and stars on yesterdays blip! I was over the moon :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps we have just had a phonecall to say Aunty Eve has been taken into hospital with suspected appendicitis :-( We are very very worried about her and hope that it isn't. Get better really soon Aunty Eve xxxxxxx

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