I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

The Antartic Expedition.....

Attenborough's Frozen Planet had nothing on us today!
After a bit of a dodgy start to the morning with numpties exuberant drivers on the roads joined to my bumper as they pressed me to go faster in horrible conditions I arrived at work, not too shaken, but stirred into action, that a wee meander around the garden at lunchtime might provide a nice snowy blip.
I gave Damnonii a wee knock on the way past and we headed out in Scott style,(we maybe some time!- well 20 mins).
The sky was bright and blue but the sun was making sure that we were dowsed every now and then in a shower of snow off the trees, (wet neck syndrome!)
I picked this shot as it reminded me of giant snowflake, and I liked the clear blue sky behind it.
This monkey puzzle tree really does look primeval in any sort of weather.
More snowy weather promised in the next couple of days so I will get some more practise in with my camera with a bit of luck, (I'm a bit of a snow virgin with it!).
I worked away my afternoon listening to this

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