Merry (early!) Christmas!

This weekend we went away to a cottage in Northumberland with Dad's friends (or "my pals" as I call them). We had an early Christmas celebration, complete with tree and presents and everything! I got a lovely blue spotty apron with a pear on it from Rick and Lili, some sweeties from Iain and a giant lollipop from Matthew. It wasn't really a giant lollipop, but a container shaped like one with eight normal sized lollipops in it. That should keep me going for a while. Mum cooked dinner - roast goose with all the trimmings. The cottage was lovely, and very big. I had lots of fun running around it. There was a cupboard in the kitchen that had lots of toys in it, a rocking horse, and a table in the kitchen that was just the right height for me to sit under and eat my crisps! Everyone said that it felt just like real Christmas, and we've still got that to look forward to!

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