I have been writing Christmas cards for most of the day and forgot to take a blip while it was still daylight. This has been my view whilst I ponder over the greetings to use and try to remember various recipient's circumstances this time last year. Were they well, just been made redundant, divorced, or even still alive.

My list this year is obvious for its shorter length, reflecting the number of recent funerals as opposed to any marriages or births. I am starting to feel old. Especially since the man in the coffee shop called me Madam the other day, and I'm sure his father is in my age group. When does one become "Madam" I wonder. I have got used to being called "Love" by the young shop assistants, along with the "See you later" farewell which seems a Yorkshire-ism. But "Madam"...... maybe it was polite, but it still made me feel old.

But I digress. Anyway, not a bad view during my deliberations, Geocrab Bay on the Isle of Harris. Unfortunately the sight itself is not right outside my window, but is a painting by Andrew John Craig of Harris and brings back happy memories of a summer holiday. It was also the most I've ever spent on a painting, and no one lets me forget that!

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