The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Tyger, Tyger...

Today, one of my friends on Twitter, an aspiring author, complained that she was spending more time reading about how to write that actually writing! Well today I did the same with photography, and I'm sure some of you will know that feeling in that pit of your stomach when it gets to 10pm and you still haven't got a blip, it's chucking it down outside, and the garden badgers can't be relied upon to put in appearance anyway. Having been disappointed with my efforts at waving a torch around in front of my camera, I'm pretending that I'm practising lighting techniques, and have snapped the little tiger who clings, as if by magic (actually by magnets), to the angle-poise lamp above my desk.
I've just seen on Twitter that Ruth has had her first story published. I'm thrilled for her, and wonder if this means I'm soon destined to win a photographic competition. Perhaps if I were to enter one....

An old friend popped up on Twitter today. If he's reading this, he should know that I can invite him to comment if he wishes.

Job done. Time for a drink.

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